NVT travel bursaries for PhD candidates

The NVT has travel bursaries for young scientific researchers (PhD candidates: AiO/OiO/PhD students), working in the field of toxicology, who are member of the NVT.

Individual travel bursaries
Individual travel grants can be applied for visiting an existing, publicly accessible and internationally recognized conference (for example SOT, EUROTOX, SETAC or INA). To be eligible for a bursary, you must actively participate in the conference, for example by means of a poster or oral presentation. If you do not yet know whether you will be allowed to present, you will be awarded a bursary conditionally. As a PhD candidate, you can receive a grant up to two times, of which a maximum of one to a destination outside Europe. You can apply for one travel grant per calendar year.
Grants awarded are personal and for the requested purpose. A maximum of €400 is made available for a trip within Europe and a maximum of €800 outside Europe. In case of changes to the original plans, prior consultation with the secretariat is required.

Group budget
Dutch universities can submit a request once every five years for financial support for a study trip for young scientific researchers working in the field of toxicology (with a maximum of €2500). The application must include proof that the group has been invited by a university. All participants must be members of the NVT. The award and amount of support are at the discretion of the board and the availability of the budget. In case of changes to the original plans, prior consultation with the secretariat is required.

Applications are made by completing the specific application form and sending this in together with the appendices indicated on the form. The application form and appendices must be submitted to the secretary of the NVT board. The NVT board evaluates the applications and awards the bursaries.

When a bursary is granted, the board expects a short scientific report in English within one month of the trip (which may be published in the TCDD) and an overview of the actual costs incurred and the contributions awarded. The bursary will be transferred after receipt of these documents.

Send applications to:

Mw. Dr. H.S. Hendriks
Secretariaat bestuur NVT
p/a RIVM
Postbus 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
E-mail: secretaris@toxicologie.nl

