As toxicologists we aim to assess the safety of substances in the species
we wish to protect, *i.e.* the target species. However, often we cannot
simply conduct toxicity testing in the target species itself. This forces
us to use model systems, traditionally animal models and nowadays also *in
silico* and *in vitro *models. Obviously, these models are a proxy of the
truth and have their own pros and cons. While animal models have many
advantages, there is an urgent need for replacements. The Dutch government
strongly promotes the reduction of animal testing. In addition, last
September, the U.S. EPA announced that they will stop conducting or funding
mammalian animal studies by 2035. During the upcoming NVT Annual Meeting,
we will talk about safety assessment and toxicity testing in target species
and discuss the challenges that we face in applying alternative models into
(regulatory) practice. What are the best models for the target species of
interest? Can we measure within the target species itself? When do we have
sufficient information to predict safety in target species? How do we
implement innovative and predictive models in regulatory risk assessment?
Join our discussion on these important issues during the online NVT Annual Meeting
on *June 9-10, 2020
Please visit the website for more information.