Do you think it would be nice to contribute to the section, contact Jacqueline Biesterbos. If you would like more information about the duties of the Board, please visit the NVT website or contact Jacqueline Biesterbos or Annette Wilschut.
The Risk assessment section looks at the interaction between toxicological knowledge and policy interpretation. In simple words, the section is involved in everything that has to do with toxicological risk evaluation. The activities of the section are more problem oriented than related to specific fields of science.
The board of the section endeavours to promote contacts between the members in an informal and collegiate way, to building bridges with other sections, and to exchanging knowledge, concepts and opinions in the area of toxicological risk assessment. In order to achieve these goals, the board of the section promotes the following activities:
• workshops
• symposia
• open huis bijeenkomsten
• communication and interaction between NVT members.
The organization tries to make 2 events happen each year for members of this section and other NVT members that are interested.
The board of the sections is a representative mirror of the companies and instances who are doing work within the field of toxicological risk assessment like:
• Government
• Companies
• Research facilities and Advice organs and committees
The board of this section consist of at least 3 persons with a Chair and Secretary. They divide all tasks within de board. To increase the turnover and dynamics, the length of a board membership will be about three years. after which a direct reappointment is possible. The secretary guards the schedule for a step down. Candidate board members sign up spontaneously or are found by the board. By making a choice for new board members, the board accounts for its representativeness within the field of toxicological risk assessment. Every year, the board evaluates their composition, possible new board members, meeting dates, organization of new events and the related publicity.