The Pharmaceutical toxicology section was founded on the anniversary annual meeting of the Dutch Society of Toxicology of June 18th, 2009. Currently contemplated affiliation with the Federation of Innovative Drug Research Netherlands (FIGON).
Objectives of the Pharmaceutical toxicology section:
1. To promote and coordinate scientific activities in the field of drug toxicology in the broadest sense, to include other cellular and systemic mechanisms of toxicity, pharmaco / toxicokinetics, biotransformation, risk extrapolation to human / animal and pharmacovigilance.
2. To promote the contacts between all the researchers in the Netherlands that deal in some way with the investigation of the harmful effects and safety of medicines.
3. Promoting cooperation between toxicology researchers in drug discovery both at universities, research institutions and the pharmaceutical industry.
4. Promoting the safety of medicines by making a contribution to the debate on improving the prediction from in vitro and animal studies and help reduce animal testing in drug toxicology.
The section for this purpose will undertake the following actions:
• organizing scientific meetings
• development of a dedicated POT/PET course on the topic of Pharmaceutical Toxicology (1st edition June 2024)
• contribute to the FIGON medicines days
• liaising with scientists working in the pharmaceutical toxicology
• to contribute to courses in the field
• liaising with other scientific societies.
• provide ad hoc contributions regarding relevant topics (via TCDD)/ respond to current topics in the field.