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Announcement IUTOX Risk Assessment Summer School (RASS)

Between International Congresses, IUTOX sponsors advanced training for selected postgraduate and postdoctoral toxicologists in risk assessment, through the Risk Assessment Summer Schools (RASS). Risk assessment is the ultimate purpose to which toxicological...

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Symposium Reproductietoxische stoffen; 28 maart

Op 28 maart 2024 organiseren de secties Arbeidstoxicologie en Risicobeoordeling, in samenwerking met de Contactgroep Gezondheid & Chemie, een middagsymposium onder de titel "Omgaan met Reproductietoxische en Hormoonverstorende Stoffen: Navigeren tussen...

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ELIXIR Toxicology community and The Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals WP7 on FAIR data face to face/hybrid online meeting Brussels September 20th

On Wednesday September 20th, and in consultation with The Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals WP7 on FAIR data, the recently established ELIXIR Toxicology community will have a face to face/hybrid online meeting in Brussels. You are kindly invited to join either F2F (limited number of participants)  or online via the sign up link:

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NVT annual meeting June 7 & 8 – registration open!

Dear NVT members, We are happy to announce that the registrations and abstract submission for the Annual NVT meeting on June 7 and 8 are open! For the registration link and program see The theme of this year will be:...

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Shell vacature: Exposure Scientist

Reference: IDR104137 Employment Type: Full time Experience level: Experienced Professionals Country: Netherlands Work Location: (City)The Hague The Role What’s the role? The role of the Exposure Scientist is to provide expert exposure science advice...

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Shell vacature – Animal Welfare Lead

Reference: IDR103003 Employment Type: Full time Experience level: Experienced Professionals Country:Netherlands Work Location: (City)The Hague The Role Where you fit in In the Product Stewardship organization which is accountable for the safety of Shell...

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Autumn symposium: Mixture Toxicity

On October 5th 2021, an online autumn symposium with the title “Mixture Toxicity” was organized. The meeting was attended by approximately 100 participants. On the program were 5 speakers. Harry Buist from the Risk Assessment Section chaired the meeting....

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October 5th Mixture toxicity -Autumn Symposium

NVT Risk Assessment Section  Online - Autumn symposium: ‘Mixture toxicity’  October 5th 2021 (13.00 – 16.00 h)  For many decades one substance-one risk assessment has been the standard in regulatory risk assessment. However, real life exposure is not limited...

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Save the date!

NVT sectie Risicobeoordeling Online - Najaarsbijeenkomst: ‘Mengseltoxiciteit’ 5 oktober 2021 (13.00 – 17.00 uur)  

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NWO life congress – call for abstracts

Do you want to contribute to NWO Life2021 by giving an oral or poster presentation about your research progress? The call for abstracts is now open! Visit the website for more information or to sign up for the Life Newsletter: What is NWO Life...

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Expired: Study Director Toxicology at Charles River

For 70 years, Charles River employees have worked together to assist in the discovery, development and safe manufacture of new drug therapies. When you join our family, you will have a significant impact on the health and well-being of people across the...

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Vacature senior Toxicologist bij DSM

DSM is looking for an experienced Toxicologist. For the full description and application please follow this link:   A summary from the vacancy description: We are...

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‘Everything you wanted to know about PFAS’

NVT Risk Assessment Section Autumn symposium: ‘Everything you wanted to know about PFAS’ November 5,  2020 (13.00 – 17.00 h) – NVWA, Utrecht Locatie: NVWA, Graadt van Roggenweg 400, Utrecht Preliminary program: 13.00-13.20 Registration 13.20-13.30 Welcome...

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Annual NWO congress Life2020 – Register now!

Life is the annual NWO congress for the life sciences in the full scope, at 26+27 May 2020. The registration for Life2020 is open and the call for abstracts has been published! Scientists in all career phases from all different disciplines in the Life...

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Vacancy Toxicologist Shell

The vacancy can be read as pdf but is also present on the Shell website where you can apply: A short peek: The Role Where you fit in Bring us an advanced degree related to toxicology and we’ll...

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Iets mis met pagina opbouwer website

Beste allen, Er is iets mis met de pagina opbouwer die gebruikt wordt op de website. Het zal wat uitzoektijd vergen om dit te repareren... Excuses wanneer dit enig ongemak met zich mee brengt op de website. Er zijn wat pagina's versprongen en het lukt ons...

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Nieuw online registratiesysteem voor Toxicologen

Please start using the Xaurum PE Online system for tracking your progress and status towards re-registration as toxicologists! Dear colleagues, As presented during the NVT 2018 Annual Meeting, NVT has implemented, together with KNCV, responsible for the...

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Five travel fellowships SOT Annual meeting 2020

Once again, the Society of Toxicology (SOT) and the Society of Toxicology Endowment Fund are very generously sponsoring five travel fellowships for scientists to attend the SOT Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, USA, March 15-19, 2020. Applicants must be...

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World Tobacco Day – 31 mei

Every year, on 31 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) and global partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). The annual campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness on the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure,...

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Verslag Najaarsbijeenkomst Sectie Risicobeoordeling

Verslag najaarsbijeenkomst sectie Risicobeoordeling   Op dinsdag 2 oktober hield de sectie risicobeoordeling zijn gebruikelijke najaarsbijeenkomst. Deze keer was het thema “Gevaarlijke stoffen in een circulaire economie” naar aanleiding van het recent...

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Najaarsbijeenkomst Sectie Risicobeoordeling

Gevaarlijke stoffen in een circulaire economie 2 Oktober 2018 (13.00 – 17.00 uur) – RIVM, Bilthoven In een circulaire economie wordt zo veel mogelijk hergebruikt en zo min mogelijk afval geproduceerd. Daar is onder andere een flinke opschaling van recycling...

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How to fit an organ-on-a-chip in risk assessment

NVT Risk Assessment Section Spring Symposium ‘How to fit an organ-on-a-chip in risk assessment’ On Tuesday April 10th, the NVT Risk Assessment Section organized its yearly spring symposium. The symposium was hosted by TNO in Zeist and entitled ‘How to fit an...

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Netwerkdag medicijnresten in het milieu

Het event Het thema ‘medicijnresten in het milieu’ is de afgelopen periode met de ketenaanpak, een uitvoeringsprogramma, de Delta-Aanpak met kennisimpuls en verschillende pilots en onderzoeksprojecten in een stroomversnelling geraakt. Het RIVM organiseert op...

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Aankondiging ESTIV

Dear Colleagues, The program of the ESTIV2018 conference (15-18 October 2018; Berlin-Germany) is taking shape, and is continuously updated online ( The conference will be preceded by 2 free workshops:...

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Altertox Academy hands on trainings

Altertox Academy (former CAAT Academy) is organising seven hands-on trainings in 2018. They believe that these hands-on-training in human-relevant alternative methods and technologies for toxicologists performed by experts in the lab might be of interest to...

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How to fit an organ-on-a-chip in risk assessment?

Spring Symposium, Risk assessment section April 10th 2018 (13.00-17.00) Location: TNO, Utrechtseweg 48, Zeist  Technological innovations in the area of organ-on-a-chip are evolving at high speed. Since it might better mimic the human situation, the...

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Expired: Vacature beleidsadviseur GHOR

U kunt de vacature hier vinden. U kunt reageren tot 23 maart 2018. De functie in het kort: De GHOR is de geneeskundige hulpverleningsorganisatie in de regio, belast met de coördinatie, aansturing en regie van de geneeskundige hulpverlening en met de...

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Vacancy Ecotoxicologist at Shell (The Hague)

You can find the vacancy here. When interested you have to apply before 14 March In short: Bring us advanced degree related ecotoxicology and we’ll give you the opportunity to develop professionally, working with and learning from some talented scientists in...

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BCF Career Event – 24 Mei 2018

Op 24 mei 2018 vindt de 14e editie van BCF Career Event plaats in Beatrix gebouw - Jaarbeurs Utrecht, de grootste carrièrebeurs in de sectoren Life Sciences, Chemie, Food & Farma. Het event trekt jaarlijks zo’n 100 organisaties en 2000 (PhD) studenten,...

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Afscheid Prof. Dr. Nico Vermeulen op 15 Februari

Professor Vermeulen gaat tijdens het symposium ‘Moleculaire Toxicologie: Uitzicht op Inzicht?’ op 15 februari in zijn gelijknamige afscheidsrede in op ernstige bijwerkingen van medicijnen voor 6-7% van de mensen die deze slikken.  In zijn rede belicht...

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NANOTOX2018 – Submit your abstract now!

NanoTox 2018 - 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology 18 - 21 September 2018 Dorint-Hotel Neuss Information can be found on the website. The main topic of NANOTOX 2018 will be “News tools in risk assessment of nanomaterials”. Submit your abstract now...

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Vacation Senior Scientist in Occupational Toxicology

You can find the original vacancy here The vacancy is for a position with Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson in Beerse (Antwerp), Belgium. Job Description Requisition ID: 1700173365W At the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson...

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Expired: New TCDD!

Dear readers, A new TCDD has been published! You can view or download it from the TCDD page. Please login as you will be unable to view the TCDD otherwise. Note that the TCDD is accessible for anyone with the link, even when not logged in. This will change...

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EUROTOX 8-11 September 2019

Proposals can be submitted for the EUROTOX 2019 Congress that will be held in Helsinki, September 8-11, 2019. This year’s theme is “Toxicology - Science providing solutions”. It reflects our inclination to tackle topics dealing with new and emerging...

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Organization of Risk Assessment

Do you think it would be nice to contribute to the section, contact Jacqueline Biesterbos. If you would like more information about the duties of the Board, please visit the NVT website or contact Jacqueline Biesterbos or Annette Wilschut.   The Risk...

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Upcoming Events

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