NanoTox 2018 - 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
18 - 21 September 2018 Dorint-Hotel Neuss

Information can be found on the website.

The main topic of NANOTOX 2018 will be “News tools in risk assessment of nanomaterials”. Submit your abstract now at and present your research to over 400 participants from academia, industry and regulators.

The Organizing Committee invites you to a future-oriented scientific conference. We will offer a highly attractive scientific programme including 12 topical sessions and 14 keynote lectures from renowned scientists. This is the ideal platform for academia, industry and regulators to update their knowledge about biological effects of nanomaterials and their risk assessment. An exhibition including publishing companies, analytical and manufacturing industry will showcase information sources as well as technological trends.

The dense scientific programme includes outstanding keynote lectures on every day including Tuesday, 17 September as well as on Friday, 20 September. You might, therefore, wish to arrange your travel schedule accordingly.

Please kindly note the following IMPORTANT DATES for your diary:

Deadline for Abstract Submission and Travel Grant Application (Awarded Abstracts)  16 March 2018
Abstract Acceptance Notification  April 2018
Deadline of Early Bird Registration  20 July 2018
Deadline for appearance in the list of participants  31 August 2018