Clinical and toxicological aspects of novel antitumor drugs   

Organized by the Section Pharmaceutical Toxicology of the Dutch Society of Toxicology (NVT) Auditorium of the O|2 Lab Building at the VU Campus, De Boelelaan 1108, 1081 HZ Amsterdam Meeting program.  Registration by e-mail to:  (deadline 29 march 2020); Fee (incl. coffee/tea; lunch and drinks): 15 euro (master and PhD-students); 25 euro (NVT-members); 35 euro (non-members).

  From 09.30 hRegistration with Coffee and Tea Set-up of posters
10.00 - 10.30 hBusiness meeting (Huishoudelijke vergadering) for members of the Section Pharmaceutical Toxicology (election new board members)  
10.30 -10.35 h  Opening Scientific MeetingBy the chair of the Section Pharmaceutical Toxicology
10.35 – 11.10 hDr N. Steeghs (NKI / DPOG)General introduction new developments on oncolytics
11.10 – 11.45 h  Dr. N. van Erp (Radboud UMC / DPOG)Personalized dosing instead of Flat dosing of targeted oncolytics
11.45 – 12.20 hDr. C. Herberts (CBG)Evaluation new oncolytics from a regulatory point of view
12.20-13.40 h  LUNCH – Poster exhibition – Network opportunity (all in the same area)
  13.45-14.20 hDr. A. Schinkel (NKI)Impact of transporters on the pharmacokinetics of novel anticancer drugs
  14.20-14.55 hDr. B. Venhuis (RIVM)Oncolytics in surface water
  14.55-15.30 hDr. J. de Haan (UMCG)The microbiome & oncolytics
  15.30-15.50 hPlenary presentations of the best 3 posters (3 slides per poster) & election of best poster (by the audience)
15.50-15.55 hClosure
From 16.00 hDrinks