Genetic Toxicology is alive!
Genetic damage, mutations and genomic instability are an essential part of toxicology. Genotoxicity is inextricably linked to development of cancer and many genetic disorders. In addition, genotoxicity is one of the main reasons why new compounds fail during the development of new drugs and medicines.
The broad interest in genetic toxicology was shown last year by awarding the Nobel Prize for Chemistry to the discoverers of various cellular mechanisms that protect against DNA damage.
Given the importance of genetic toxicology and the successful research that is being done within the Netherlands, the section Genetic Toxicology already exist for several years within the Dutch Society of Toxicology. Unfortunately, in recent years this section was less active, but now the new board will bring the importance of genetic toxicology again to everyones attention and will organize interesting activities for all NVT members.


If you are interested in genetic toxicology, then join this section. You can register at the NVT website. Even if you have ideas for interesting activities please let us know.


Dr. Giel Hendriks, Toxys



Dr. Jan van Benthem, RIVM


Board members:

Dr. Mirjam Luijten, RIVM

Dr. Frederique van den Akker, Triskelion

Dr. Roger Godschalk, Universiteit Maastricht