We hereby provide the summary and presentation of the meeting organized by the Dutch Society of Toxicology Section Risk Assessment on the 4th of Otober 2022 ‘Understanding chemical micropollutants in water’ Our drinking water: monitoring & water quality protection...
We hereby provide the summary and presentations as given during the meeting organized by the Dutch Society of Toxicology Section Pharmaceutical Toxicology and Section Risk Assessment on the 5th of April 2022. One substance – Multiple assessments Titanium Dioxide...
On October 5th 2021, an online autumn symposium with the title “Mixture Toxicity” was organized. The meeting was attended by approximately 100 participants. On the program were 5 speakers. Harry Buist from the Risk Assessment Section chaired the meeting. Theo Vermeire...
NVT Risk Assessment Section Online - Autumn symposium: ‘Mixture toxicity’ October 5th 2021 (13.00 – 16.00 h) For many decades one substance-one risk assessment has been the standard in regulatory risk assessment. However, real life exposure is not limited to one...
Activity & Reports Verslag najaarsbijeenkomst 2019 NVT sectie risicobeoordeling Op 1 oktober 2019 organiseerde de sectie risicobeoordeling haar jaarlijkse najaarsbijeenkomst, met als titel “Deugdelijk onderzoek & het gebruik van epidemiologische studies...
Board of the section Chairman:Drs. Annette Wilschut (DSM) Secretary and contact TCDD:Dr. Jacqueline Biesterbos (NVWA) Contact NVT-board:Drs. Kim Doornebosch (RoyalHaskoningDHV) Other board members:Drs. Iris van de Gevel (Janssen Pharmaceutica NV)Dr. Susan Dekkers...
Do you think it would be nice to contribute to the section, contact Jacqueline Biesterbos. If you would like more information about the duties of the Board, please visit the NVT website or contact Jacqueline Biesterbos or Annette Wilschut. The Risk assessment...
Work area of the Risk Assessment section Anyone can come into contact with chemicals. These chemicals can be for example pesticides which may be on fruits and vegetables , or substances in cosmetics, cleaning products , paints or adhesives. Harmful substances can also...