Dutch SoT - Ames Test assay parameters AML_compressed Regulatory experience with nitrosamine impurities in pharmaceuticals NVT Spring Symposium 24 Apr 24 - M Cornet GenTox presentation Feyzullah NVT Spring Symposium 24 Apr 24 - M Cornet GenTox presentation...
Activities & Reports Posting a new message or activity New messages (activities etc.) can be listed in "activities" or "news" lists like this... Posting a new message or activity New messages (activities etc.) can be listed in "activities" or "news" lists like...
Het bestuur wordt gevormd door: Prof. dr. D.J. (Daan) Touw (voorzitter). Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) en Afdeling Klinische Farmacie en Farmacologie (KFF), Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen...
The Pharmaceutical toxicology section was founded on the anniversary annual meeting of the Dutch Society of Toxicology of June 18th, 2009. Currently contemplated affiliation with the Federation of Innovative Drug Research Netherlands (FIGON). Objectives of the...
Area of Pharmaceutical toxicology section. The scope of Pharmaceutical toxicology lies on the boundary of the toxicology and drug discovery, and includes all the research about harmful effects and safety of medicines in relation to the therapeutic benefits. ...