Aims and Mission

Toxicology covers a broad field of interacting disciplines working together and focuses on studying and evaluating adverse effects of chemicals, physical and biological agents on living organisms and the environment, to assess the risks of exposure to these substances for humans, animals and the environment and to advise on measures to minimize adverse effects.
The aim of the Association is to stimulate and communicate toxicological matters and to promote human, animal and environmental health.
This is achieved by means of:
• serving as the professional Association for toxicology in the Netherlands;
• engaging and uniting professionals working in scientific and applied toxicology.
The mission of the Association is:
• to communicate and promote the exchange of information among professionals working in scientific and applied toxicology;
• to connect with international organizations in the toxicological field;
• to promote innovative toxicological research;
• to enhance understanding of the principles and practice of toxicology;
• to stimulate new insights;
• to promote awareness of the field.
These missions are accomplished via the following activities:
• organizing and supporting regular symposia and workshops;
• organizing an annual wide-ranging scientific meeting;
• providing recognition of the status of toxicologist through registration and accreditation;
• developing and providing extensive training and education (Postgraduate Education in Toxicology Program (PET));
• regular communication on current toxicological matters via the TCCD newsletter and the Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology.




1st announcement NVT Annual Meeting announcement – Save the date: 46th Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society of Toxicology (NVT)

Dear NVT members, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society of Toxicology (NVT) will take place on June 4 and 5, 2025, at De Reehorst in Ede. Registration opens on February 14, 2025, and...

NVT annual meeting June 7th- 8th, 2023. Toxicology: Does one size fit all?

Dear colleagues, Every toxicologist, regardless of whether they are active in academia, industry, or the regulatory field, has had to deal with research results not being applicable to everyone....
