ELIXIR Toxicology community and The Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals WP7 on FAIR data face to face/hybrid online meeting Brussels September 20th

ELIXIR Toxicology community and The Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals WP7 on FAIR data face to face/hybrid online meeting Brussels September 20th

On Wednesday September 20th, and in consultation with The Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals WP7 on FAIR data, the recently established ELIXIR Toxicology community will have a face to face/hybrid online meeting in Brussels. You are kindly invited to join either F2F (limited number of participants)  or online via the sign up link: https://elixir-europe.org/events/elixir-toxicology-community-f2fhybrid-meeting

NVT annual meeting June 7 & 8 – registration open!

Dear NVT members, We are happy to announce that the registrations and abstract submission for the Annual NVT meeting on June 7 and 8 are open! For the registration link and program see https://meeting2023.toxicologie.nl. The theme of this year will be: Toxicology:...

Symposium Allergenen in de voedingsindustrie; 16 maart 2023

Op 16 maart 2023 organiseerden de sectie Arbeidstoxicologie van de NVT en de Contactgroep Gezondheid & Chemie een symposium over blootstelling aan allergenen in de voedingsindustrie met als titel: "Allergie door (dier) voedingsmiddelen: alleen bij het opeten, of...
Shell vacature: Exposure Scientist

Shell vacature: Exposure Scientist

Reference: IDR104137 Employment Type: Full time Experience level: Experienced Professionals Country: Netherlands Work Location: (City)The Hague The Role What’s the role? The role of the Exposure Scientist is to provide expert exposure science advice including...
Shell vacature: Exposure Scientist

Shell vacature – Animal Welfare Lead

Reference: IDR103003 Employment Type: Full time Experience level: Experienced Professionals Country:Netherlands Work Location: (City)The Hague The Role Where you fit in In the Product Stewardship organization which is accountable for the safety of Shell products....

One substance – Multiple assessments | summary and presentations

We hereby provide the summary and presentation of the meeting organized by the Dutch Society of Toxicology Section Pharmaceutical Toxicology and Section Risk Assessment on the 5th of april 2022   Summary 0_Voorjaarsbijeenkomst 2022 Introduction: one substance –...