Announcement BSTP (British Society of Toxicological Pathology) events
Dear NVT members, the BSTP would like to highlight their upcoming 38th Annual Scientific meeting of the BSTP, 2023 Webinars and other upcoming events.
Dear NVT members, the BSTP would like to highlight their upcoming 38th Annual Scientific meeting of the BSTP, 2023 Webinars and other upcoming events.
On Wednesday September 20th, and in consultation with The Partnership for Risk Assessment of Chemicals WP7 on FAIR data, the recently established ELIXIR Toxicology community will have a face to face/hybrid online meeting in Brussels. You are kindly invited to join either F2F (limited number of participants) or online via the sign up link: https://elixir-europe.org/events/elixir-toxicology-community-f2fhybrid-meeting