One substance – Multiple assessments | summary and presentations

We hereby provide the summary and presentation of the meeting organized by the Dutch Society of Toxicology Section Pharmaceutical Toxicology and Section Risk Assessment on the 5th of april 2022   Summary 0_Voorjaarsbijeenkomst 2022 Introduction: one substance –...

Autumn symposium: Mixture Toxicity

On October 5th 2021, an online autumn symposium with the title “Mixture Toxicity” was organized. The meeting was attended by approximately 100 participants. On the program were 5 speakers. Harry Buist from the Risk Assessment Section chaired the meeting. Theo Vermeire...

October 5th Mixture toxicity -Autumn Symposium

NVT Risk Assessment Section  Online - Autumn symposium: ‘Mixture toxicity’  October 5th 2021 (13.00 – 16.00 h)  For many decades one substance-one risk assessment has been the standard in regulatory risk assessment. However, real life exposure is not limited to one...

Save the date!

NVT sectie Risicobeoordeling Online - Najaarsbijeenkomst: ‘Mengseltoxiciteit’ 5 oktober 2021 (13.00 – 17.00 uur)  
Update FIGON: Dutch Medicines Days (DMD)

Update FIGON: Dutch Medicines Days (DMD)

Er zal geen fysieke FIGON-DMD in de Leidse stadsgehoorzaal plaatsvinden. In plaats daarvan zullen er in het najaar (tussen september 2020 en januari 2021) een aantal webinars georganiseerd worden, waarin de activiteiten/voordrachten plaats zullen vinden die we normaal...
Nieuw online registratiesysteem voor Toxicologen

Nieuw online registratiesysteem voor Toxicologen

Please start using the Xaurum PE Online system for tracking your progress and status towards re-registration as toxicologists! Dear colleagues, As presented during the NVT 2018 Annual Meeting, NVT has implemented, together with KNCV, responsible for the administrative...